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Conversion Tracking for Google Ads


What is conversion tracking?


Someone performed a Google search, found your ad, clicked on it, and is now exploring your website. Fantastic! Wouldn’t it be great to know what they do next? That’s where conversion tracking comes in. Conversions are valuable actions users take on your site after finding your Google Ad. Whether this is a donation, downloading a resource, or filling out a form these are all examples of conversions that can generate data to help you make future marketing decisions.


Why is conversion data important?


Conversion data tells you a lot about your Google Ads. This is a great way to find out which keywords, ad groups, and campaigns your users are drawn to and which ones lead to positive interactions on your site. This data can be used to help you make website changes as well as ensure that you are making the most of your Google Ad Grant.


You’re interested in conversion tracking, great! What’s next?


There are a few questions to ask before getting started.


Does my organization have a web developer, either in-house or contracted? 


If the answer is yes, you will want to loop them in for the next steps!


If the answer is no, don’t worry, you’re in the right place. While there are step-by-step instructions below. If the tracking is not correctly implemented you run the risk of damaging your website. 


With access to the backend of your website Project World Impact can securely implement Google Tag Manager tracking to all your landing pages for a one-time $100 fee. Follow the link to learn more.


Does my organization use a website builder?


We have provided the Google Tag Manager instructions for some of the more popular website builders below. The instructions vary so ensure that you or your organization’s web developer are following the steps laid out specifically for your website.


Gather your snippet of code or container ID


If you’re using Project World Impact’s Google Ad Grant Management service you will be provided with either the code snippet or container ID (GTM- ) to proceed to the next steps of code integration. 


If not, please consult a guide for setting up Google Tag Manager and return to this resource for code integration on your website.


Where do I find my code snippet or container ID?


If you are using Project World Impact’s Google Ad Grant Management service the Nonprofit Success Team will email this information to you directly so you can easily implement the next steps and the team will set up your conversions based on the user actions discussed in your monthly strategy meeting.


Otherwise, follow the steps listed below.


  1. Sign into Google Tag Manager
  2. Select the account from the top left dropdown next to “Tag Manager”
  3. In the section under the search bar you will see a blue code beginning with “GTM- “, this is your container ID
  4. Select the container ID and a window will appear with the code snippets for your site (for some website builders you will only need the container ID. You will need the code to manually integrate for certain website builders and custom sites – we highly recommend using Project World Impact’s $100 one time fee or an experienced web developer to do this, as incorrect code integration runs the risk of damaging your website. 


Time for code integration! Follow the instructions below based on your website builder.


Website builders:






Manual Integration


WordPress using the plugin GTM4WP:

*Disclaimer: Compatible with most WordPress themes. Click here to ensure compatibility.

  1. Log into WordPress
  2. Left navigation bar, select “plugins”
  3. Search for “GTM4WP”– this plugin will place the appropriate tracking code snippets on each of your pages
  4. Install and enable the plugin
  5. Left navigation bar, select “Settings” > “Google Tag Manager”
  6. Under the “General” tab enter the Google Tag Manager ID– example“GTM-”

Unless instructed otherwise by your web developer:

    1. Container code ON/OFF – Select “On”
  • Container code compatibility mode – Select “Off(no tweak, right placement)”
  1. Test your tracking using Google Tag Assistant to ensure tracking is in place (see instructions below)



  1. Log in to Wix
  2. Select “Marketing Integrations” from the dashboard
  3. Select “Google Tag Manager” > “Connect”
  4. Click “Add Google Tag Manager”
  5. Enter the Google Tag Manager ID– example“GTM-”
  6. Save your changes
  7. Test your tracking using Google Tag Assistant to ensure tracking is in place (see instructions below)



  1. Log into Weebly
  2. Select “Edit Website” in the dashboard
  3. Select “Settings” from the top navigation bar
  4. Left side navigation bar select “SEO”
  5. From Google Tag Manager and copy the first section of code labeled <head>
  6. Navigate back to Weebly
  7. Paste this snippet of code under the “Header Code” section
  8. Save and publish
  9. From Google Tag Manager copy the second section of code labeled <body>
  10. Navigate back to Weebly
  11. Select “Weebly Theme Setting” > “HTML / CSS Editor”
  12. Click “header page”
  13. Paste this code immediately after the first body tag on the header page
  14. Test your tracking using Google Tag Assistant to ensure tracking is in place (see instructions below)



  1. Log in to Squarespace
  2. Left side navigation bar select “Settings” > “Advanced” > “Code Injection”
  3. From Google Tag Manager copy the first section of code labeled <head>
  4. Navigate back to Squarespace
  5. Paste this snippet of code under the “Header” section to inject into the head tag of all your web pages
  6. From Google Tag Manager copy the second section of code labeled <body>
  7. Navigate back to Squarespace
  8. Paste this snippet of code under the “Footer” section to inject into the footer tag of all your web pages
  9. Click “Save”
  10. Test your tracking using Google Tag Assistant to ensure tracking is in place (see instructions below)



  1. Access the backend of your website – you will need to edit the HTML code
  2. From Google Tag Manager copy the first section of code labeled <head>
  3. Paste this code as high in the <head> of the page as possible
  4. From Google Tag Manager copy the first section of code labeled <body>
  5. Paste this code immediately after the opening <body> tag
  6. Repeat this step for every page of your website
  7. Test your tracking using Google Tag Assistant to ensure tracking is in place (see instructions below)


Now that you have Google Tag Manager setup on your site it’s time to test and ensure that it is working correctly. Follow the instructions below to test using Google Tag Assistant Companion:


  1. Download and enable the extension “Google Tag Assistant Companion” on your browser
  2. Select the extension “Google Tag Assistant Companion”
  3. Select “Add domain”
  4. Enter your website URL in the “Google Tag Debug Mode” window– recommended to copy/paste your URL for accuracy
  5. Click “Connect”
  6. This will redirect you to the website
  7. Do not exit out, the website must be available to connect
  8. Switch to the Google Tag Assistant Companion tab
  9. Wait until the loading bar is full and the window says “Connected!”
  10. Select “Continue”
  11. Under “Summary”, you should see your container code “GTM- XXXXXXXX” with some additional information, Congratulations! You are ready to track conversions!


Note: If the summary states “No tags found” the code integration was not successful, please revisit the code integration steps, consult a web developer, or seek PWI support and to learn more about the Google Ad Grant Management service.


Project World Impact is happy to help you with all your Google Ad Grant needs and concerns, including but not limited to code integration. Schedule a meeting or reach out to to learn more.

Project World Impact

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